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I have experience in a wide variety of mediums.

Reader Reports

Informative, Engaging, Discerning

I write reader reports for manuscripts of all genres, including general nonfiction, romance, fantasy, thriller, mystery, horror, and speculative fiction. My ability to construct thorough assessments of manuscripts that assess for developmental concerns, commercial and literary appeal, and overall thematic tone on a tight schedule make me an asset in any editorial sphere of the publishing industry.

  • Affairs of State Reader Report:


I wrote this report for Lost Boys Press, taking into account marketability and developmental concerns.


  •   JFrank Reader Report:       


I wrote this evaluation for Fordham University, who was looking at taking on this author's proposal for a manuscript. 


  • Short Story Feedback Letters: 


I wrote several constructive feedback letters for my CRW 4120 class, the fiction workshop, which aimed to address developmental concerns in my classmates' short stories.

Journalistic Articles


I write articles that are timely, informative, and  culturally relevant, using principles of design and practicing the classic pitching model to publish stories that always feel current and important.

  • Percy Jackson Article: 


​As an intern for Study Breaks magazine, I wrote biweekly pieces that offered thoughtful and timely commentary on important pop culture topics. This piece focused on the upcoming Percy Jackson show and incorporated field research, soon becoming one of the top articles of the month and getting reposted to the official Percy Jackson fan account.

  • Study Breaks Portfolio:   


  • Banned Books Article:


I founded a personal column through my position as a staff writer for Her Campus at FSU. Given the ongoing battle against censorship that book publishing faces, especially in Florida, I wanted to start a column focused on reading banned books to initiate conversations on the importance of diversity in literature.

  • Her Campus Portfolio: 


  • Mock Variety Feature Article:​


​For my Writing and Editing in Print and Online class, I wrote an artcile designed to mimic the style of Variety magazine and chose to do a special feature on the evolution of Velma's representation and queerness in the Scooby Doo universe.




Book Reviews

Reviewing books has always been a passion of mine, and helps contribute to an ever-growing literary community that supports one another.

  • NetGalley Review:


I receive advance reader copies (ARCs) of upcoming books to read and review. This review was for Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings, a fun, sapphic romance that is slated for release in February 2024. I get to generate publicity for books from underrepresented and lesser-known authors with the added bonus of getting to read a book before everyone else!


  • Goodreads Reviews: 


Goodreads is the primary platform that I review books on. It's become a safe space for me to share my thoughts on recent reads and engage in online discourse with fellow bookworms.


Proofreading for grammar, syntax, and spelling isn't always the most glorious job, but it's one of my favorite ways to shape writing. Without proper editing, good writing falls apart.
  • Broken Manuscript:


As an intern for Lost Boys Press, I regularly copyedit manuscripts to ensure they are in prime shape for publication. This manuscript ultimately was rejected upon submission by me after reading, but I copyedited it anyway for practice and to help the author.


  • WW2 Book Chapter:


For my internship with Fordham University, my supervisor, G. Kurt Piehler, entrusted me to copyedit his book chapter for an upcoming publication in the World War II series.



  • Student Article:


For my Advanced Writing and Editing class, I copyedited the articles of other students that were centered on topics that intersected social justice and pop culture. This piece was written by a fellow student on the evolving nature of rap and hip-hop.

Short Stories

  • CRW 4120 Short Story 1:


While being mentored by Professor Winegardner, I wrote and submitted two short stories for his fiction workshop. This piece was submitted for my final.


  • CRW 4120 Short Story 2:


This piece was my supplemental story that explored with speculative fiction genre elements.


  • ENG 3014 Short Story:


For my Introduction to Literary Studies class, we had to reimagine an existing short story from the point-of-view of an alternative character. I chose to rewrite Flannery O'Connor's short story "The Barber" through the eyes of Sam.

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